I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
I recently became sharply concerned after reading two articles that appeared simultaneously on a popular “prophetic” blog. In the first article, the author complains that a recent court ruling has set a precedent whereby students in public university will eventually be forced to refute their Christian faith as prerequisite for attaining further education. In the second article, the author warns that political forces “of darkness are wheeling and dealing, planning and scheming, to keep you from knowing the truth…And to shut down all conservative and Christian voices.”
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Trimming Dead Branches |
I am concerned, because the idea that any Christian would be alarmed by these incidents or see them as exceptionally problematic in our generation is beyond my understanding. Especially so, because Christ said: “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world…the world hates you…If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you…He who hates Me hates My Father also…But they have done this to fulfill the word that is written in their Law, ‘they hated me without a cause’” (John 15:18-25).
The word for hate used here by Jesus means “hate, pursue with hatred, detest.” This is frightening knowledge: knowing that your association with Christ is the basis for the entire world population of unbelievers loathing and despising your very existence. How are believers to deal with such fanatics? How do we cope with this knowledge? Simply by knowing that, “they have done this to fulfill the word that is written.” This means that hatred for Christ and His disciples in necessary in the overall plan and purpose of the Father.
Believers are comforted to know that if God says that something shall be, then it must be necessary. In this sense, we have one thing going for us that the general public has not: we know that God’s purpose will in the end be worked out. This is the significance of something being necessary: it lets us know that God is in control of what is seemingly out of control.
Again, the thought that “they hated me without a cause” can be a scary thing if one does not know God and His plan. Knowing the predetermined plan of God is, however, one of the comforting aspects that prophecy provides for the people of God (cf., 1 Thessalonians 4:13). Reflecting on this fact will inspire a calm and reassured frame of mind (cf., Philippians 4:7) and not outrage or surprise that is apparent in the tone of the authors quoted above.
Can’t We Just Get Along?
What really concerned me about the two articles is that in the latter “conservative and Christian” are grouped together as though the two ideologies are two sides of the same coin. And this is occurring more and more frequently in both Christian and secular discussions. While a Christian can be “conservative” as this word is popularity defined by politicians and talk show pundits, a conservative is by no means exclusively Christian.
Conservative presidential candidate Mitt Romney is not Christian, he’s Mormon. Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck converted to Mormonism. Make no mistake; anything either of these two guys says or does is tainted by Mormon dominionist theology. This said, while both of them, and my nice Mormon neighbors too, have strong family values and a good work ethic, none of them will be sitting down with my family for Sunday dinner. I will, however, proclaim to them the real Jesus Christ and his saving power.
Sarah Palin is a conservative and by her own a confession a Christian. If she were to attain high office, which would she be motivated to govern by: her Christian values or her conservative values? There are distinct differences in the two worldviews, though they do intersect at certain points.
The all-time heroes of the conservative movement are Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Hannity is a Catholic and there is no way to shield or gloss over the fact that grave, irreconcilable differences exists between orthodox Protestant Christianity and Catholicism. As for Limbaugh, he just celebrated his fourth marriage (certainly not a Christian virtue). If you are a fan of these two characters, you should take some time to examine their worldview and not blindly supporting their ideals.
As an example, headlining Limbaugh’s wedding reception was a performance by Elton John. Hannity, on a recent show of his, had a conservative panel that discussed, among other topics, the fact that even though Elton John is homosexual and outspoken concerning the rights of others like him, he is an okay guy, mainly because he refuses to support the boycott of Arizona by many in the entertainment industry and he holds to many conservative principles. While Hannity did not say he agrees with his panelist's assessment regarding Elton John, neither did he verbally disagree. I'm not one to slam someone for being homosexual as though it is somehow the worst of all sins, but it is sin and those who engage in its practice are sinners. It would have been refreshing if Hannity pointed this out, instead of merely allowing others to acknowledge Elton's conservative leanings.
Non-born again conservatives have the same thing lacking in them as non-born again liberals--there's no difference in either--they both lack the saving power of Christ. Who knows whether or not any the above mentioned political conservatives had on many occasions heard the Good News and being presented with the Divine opportunity to accept Christ, instead, they rejected its message of saving grace. So why would any Christian want to align themselves with these individuals?
Sadly, all too often we hear from Christians (including Pastors and Teachers) that “conservatism” and “Christianity” are synonymous at their core moral beliefs. This, I believe, is a false statement, because it is my understanding that Christianity is diametrically opposed to all non-Christian belief systems.
At Their Core
Not long before the two articles mentioned were published another was published on the same blog by a different author who stated: “In years past there were many more truly born again Christians who stood firm on the morals and precepts proclaimed in God’s word. They are the ones who did the voting and they placed their vote for individuals who had morals and were of good character.”
My reaction to this statement is, Was Washington or Jefferson or Franklin for that matter born again? There is compelling evidence to the contrary that shows: Washington was a devoted deist and free mason; Jefferson was a humanist of the highest order (try reading the “Jefferson Bible” and not being offended); and Franklin was a pagan hedonist given over to sick sexual practices and possibly worse.
Were they saved? Perhaps they were, although they were certainly inconsistent and misguided with regard to the fundamental precepts of orthodox Christian doctrine, but none-the-less believers in Christ as Savior--maybe? I don’t know, but God does. As for being conservative, I believe that history bears out that they were in fact all politically conservative.
Additionally, in recent times, the most reviled American presidents amongst so-called conservatives are Carter and Clinton. Carter is unashamedly blunt in his abhorrence for the Jewish state and Clinton is an adulterer and yet both claim to be born again believers. Of course, Obama is hated too. While he denied being a Muslim--and attended for over twenty years what is thought by some to be a Christian church--he never actually claimed to ever being born again.
No one questions the fact that the three mentioned here are political liberals. But are they evil because of their liberal worldview? Or, is the fact that they all have rejected God’s Word, to varying measures, that is causing them ruin?
In contrast, the most beloved conservative, Reagan, never claimed he was born again. In fact, he said the church he attended never used that terminology. As for the Bush’s: Both are ardent advocates for a pagan “new world order.” While George the first never said he was born again, George the second did. Also, George the second believes that Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the same God.
Are any of these recent presidents believers in Christ as Savior--maybe? I don’t know, but God does. The question remains, Did Franklin or any of these Presidents possess “morals and good character?” By worldly standards the answer is: yes, for all of them. But conservatives have one set of standards, which they consider moral and good, while liberals go by another set of standards, which they also consider moral and good.
However, the idea of “good and moral” are merely subjective abstractions in all anti-Christian worldviews, whether or not it is liberal or conservative. And neither conservative nor liberal standards are good and moral in God's eyes if the person behind the ideology is not born again. Why? Because, “God credits righteousness apart from works” and “righteous deeds are like a filthy garment” if faith in Christ as Savior is absent from the heart.
As Christians we have our own set of morals--the law of Christ--which tends to intersect with the ethos of many worldviews, but never-the-less is incomparable to all others. Scripture clearly teaches that the various agendas of the world are contradictory to the one agenda of Christ. So it should come as no surprise that neither liberalism nor conservatism as humanistic political ideologies or religious moralism have any place in the Body of Christ!
Jesus made this promise to the Church: “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Therefore, the Church has no need to cooperate or associate with any political or religious philosophy that denies our singular core belief in the risen LORD, regardless of any perceived moral and ethical similarities to our own.
One Nation Under God
In answer to the question, Can’t we just get along? No! Why? Christ says, “the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me;” and “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 14:16; 18:36). Unambiguously Paul warns: “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness” (2 Corinthians 6:14, cf., 1 Corinthians 15:33)?
Take heed the words of the prophet Samuel:
“This will be the procedure of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and they will run before his chariots. He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work. He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants” (1 Samuel 8:11-17).
Politics in all its guises is a perversion by Satan against the covenant of self-rule that God gave mankind through Noah (cf. 8:21-9:17). Therefore, you can never gage the true intents of a ruler’s heart--even the ones that seem good, usually end up being turn-coats--because sadly, most who seek to ruler over others generally are only interested in enriching themselves, paying off their political debts and perpetuating their re-election so that they can gain greater loot. Politicians are not friends of the Church. They may pander to Christians for our votes, but any favors we receive from them come with a price.
While the liberal churches have fastened themselves to politics for many years so as to promote their social justice ideology--quite successful, I might add--should this be the path that the churches of God tread?
The Christian Way
Christ in His discourse to the Apostles in John 15 and 16, sought to prepare them for His soon coming departure. He wanted to strengthen them so they might endure the coming shock of the world’s maniacal hatred towards them. Now that he was about to leave them, He knew they would be tempted to leave him and return to their former lives; so he tells them to abide in him. He knew they would be tempted to separate from each other to head their own sects; so He tells them to love one another. He knew they would be tempted to compromise their faith and to conform to the world when they met with hardships; so He warned them of their responsibility to bear fruit or face the even worse hardship of being set aside.
Most significantly, He prayed to the Father for them and for all believers: “I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are…I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one” (John 17:11; 14; 15).
Thus the fellowship held together in spite of unceasing threat of annihilation and both history and current events speaks to this truth. Paul faced constant peril and death and yet he proclaimed the Gospel; likewise the early Christians, as so too the Reformers. In our time, in Africa, India, China and every Muslim country believers die for preaching the Gospel.
So why do American believers think we need a cooperating government, forced morality on unbelievers and material prosperity in order to proclaim Christ? This way of thinking is beyond the understanding of many; especially those Christians who are at this very moment being imprisoned, tortured and killed for their faith and yet refuse to renounce Christ.
As Christians: “we walk by faith, not by sight;” “Christ lives” in us; and we are called to be “imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. So why is there so much fear and confusion in the Body of Christ? Why are we lending so much support, time and energy to politics? Will worldly agendas save us, help us in our walk or secure our inheritance? Can you not see, if we need allies in government, God will see that true allies are elected; if all lived God-honoring lives, there would be no need for preaching of the Savior; and the Father has seen to it that we possess every spiritual blessing necessary to complete Christ’s unfinished business of proclaiming the Gospel to the world and to make disciples!
Granted, no one wants to be persecuted, censored or excluded from advancement because of our faith, but if this is the price to pay for the cause of Christ--even if imprisonment, torture or death are imminent--then it is necessary to the divine purpose so pay it gladly. And do not ever rely on humanistic political ideology to aid or save you.
Here’s a good lesson: Twice Paul appealed to Rome; the first time he did this he was asked to leave town by the rulers; and the second time (Acts 26:32) he did this it resulted in his execution! In no way did Christ ever suggest that we seek out political solutions to ease our hardship or to assist us with that which He committed to Christians alone!
The Path To Nothingness
I am not suggesting that Christians not vote--vote your conscience--but understand we got better things to do (proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples) than to get caught up in worldly political views or to endorse a candidate for political office.
“But our inalienable rights are being trampled on,” say the conservatives. They say, “We need to return the country to the Founding Fathers' intent.” The so-called Christian patriot says, “I’m fighting for the God-given rights that the Founders recognized and wrote into the Constitution.” If you are this “patriot” you probably spend a good deal of time talking about the Constitution. Let me ask one question, When was the last time you told someone the Good News that there is salvation from sin by the grace of God through faith in Christ’s sacrifice?
As for me, I vote, but I pray, first and foremost, that those elected to office will hear and receive the Good News and thus be saved. This is the godly thing to do: make “entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings…on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
Consider this: Three hundred years after the death and resurrection of Christ the churches merged with the State and for a short time great things were accomplished for both the cause of Christ and for the sake of empire. Three hundred years after this, one church became the State and after a short time deepest darkest characterized by ignorance, filth, immorality, famine, disease, bloodshed and death descended upon Christendom. This church, while it attained power, wealth and influence, became nothing with regard to bearing fruit for Christ. Coincidence? I think not and I fear the current desire of some in the Body of Christ to win the political landscape will surely lead to the same end--nothing accomplished for the cause of Christ--if they succeed.
Our Sole Solution
Let’s face it, there are hard times coming to all humanity, including Americans: the saved and unsaved alike. And no human government--capitalistic, socialistic, conservative or liberal--will be able to “let the good times roll” again until the Rapture takes place. Then, not long after this event, Anti-Christ will reign over a brief period of economic prosperity and false universal goodwill.
As for now, the current situation of worldwide economic upheaval and continuous corrupt world governments, I believe, is God’s doing as He warns and prepares the world for judgment and signals all believers to look upwards!
While you may disagree with dispensational theology, the fact remains that dire times are ahead for all. But I am in no means fatalistic. I recognize that God has determined that all of humanity and angels have choices to make. Choices that He holds us exclusively accountable for. However, no one should fail to recognize or to dismiss the fact that the hand of Providence is at work bringing about that which God has decreed as necessary to His plan and purpose for creation.
Therefore, I’d like to suggest a radical solution: let’s stop every so-called ministry we are currently involved in and do the only ministry that the Church has been commissioned to, that is: to proclaim the death and resurrection of Christ and to make disciples. Or at least let’s make this fundamental responsibility the primary focus of our ministries.
The dispensation of grace is waning quickly and the depravity of men’s hearts is waxing exceedingly. Daily I am plagued by a sense of the imminent doom for those who are lost. I feel we are out of time and the time we had we squandered on wrangling “about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers.”
Therefore, my purpose in writing is to extol you to: stop shaking your fist at the darkness; stop demanding of those who are dead and blind to conform to Christian virtues; stop trying to win converts with worldly “purpose driven” methods; stop trying to win converts with prophetic interpretation (in my experience, there is not a person gripped by Satan who gives Bible prophecy more credence than Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce or even a tabloid horoscope). And stop going to church to do penance or as a though it’s your weekly good luck charm.
Instead, do the following:
Believe Jesus is the Savior.
Get instruction on doctrine that is based on literal interpretation of Scripture.
Confess to God your sins as often as you sin.
Pray to be a soul winner.
Pray for the lost that their eyes may be finally opened.
Be continuously filled with the Spirit so that you are being led of the Spirit.
Proclaim the Gospel to all whom God sends you to.
Finally, make disciples. I take this to mean that those who rightly respond to the Gospel are to be trained in all of the above.
The Philadelphian age has not passed and who can to say for a fact that it has even begun. Maybe the Scripture was prepared for a time just as this; when darkness looms heavily and the first bands of the approaching storm are now sweeping ashore (cf., Revelation 3:10).
Let us take to heart the possibility that we may be the last generation of Church saints and let us come to the “unity of the faith;” proclaiming Christ to the walking dead that we are engulfed by. Maybe then it will be said of us too, that we “have upset the world” (Acts 17:6). In my estimation, anything short of this exposes all of us as “wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked” Laodiceans.